Some 2nd and 3rd opinions on topics we covered this week:
Waggleforce is a network of career clubs that provide a 10-week course of action for managing your job search. If you are feeling lost and un-energized, if you have tried the local job center and found it wanting, find a local Waggleforce to connect with. You will need to register before you can explore the tools, and most clubs will charge a fee for pay for materials. You may also find success forming a club of your own with former colleagues, alumni, sorority sisters, even your book club has some percentage of members "in transition."
We have not talked about the Jobs Summit in the space, but we can connect you to a couple of sites that are. One CEO's open letter to the President was published on the Huffington Post and responds to most of the major points raised at the Summit. Sphere takes an angle on the CEOs in attendance who represent some of this year's significant losses.
Recently one of our readers brought to our attention the role that childcare service can play in choosing a gym membership, which led us to this resource on licensure of in-gym childcare. The article is from last year, and tips you off to what questions you should ask and assumptions you should not make.
Dayton Business Journal quotes BWFS member/reader Jay Hargis of HRCleanup.
We'll recommend another read -- good for both New Professionals and the Seasoned among you starting a new job, perhaps after several years as an expert on your last one: Michael Watkins' The First 90 Days. Check out this article ("What to Do in the First 100 Days of Your New Job") as well, from
Have a great weekend!
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